Bylaws of Skagit Climate Science Consortium
Section 1.1
The name of the corporation shall be Skagit Climate Science Consortium (referred to at times as SC2).
Section 1.2
The principal office of SC2 shall be located within the Skagit River watershed in the State of Washington at such place as the board of directors shall designate.
Section 1.3
The mission of SC2 is to:
- To foster collaborative scientific research to understand the diverse and interrelated effects of climate change from the headwaters of the Skagit River in the State of Washington to Puget Sound.
- To produce and foster the production of climate-related scientific papers, analyses, and studies which relate to the needs and concerns of people living and working in the greater Skagit region.
- To serve as a conduit between scientists and Skagit communities regarding climate-related issues, problems and possible adaptations.
Section 1.4
At all times, SC2 shall be organized and operated consistently with its status as a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, furthering charitable, scientific and educational purposes, and supporting other exempt entities, in furtherance of the corporation’s exempt mission.
No private person or entity – and in particular, no member, director or office of SC2 – shall have any property interest in any asset of SC2. The corporation may, however, pay reasonable compensation for services rendered, make reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred on its behalf, and make payments and distributions in furtherance of its exempt purposes, so long as all such actions are consistent with section 501(c)(3) of the Code.
Section 2.1
The initial membership of SC2 shall consist of the following individuals:
Alan Hamlet
Correigh Greene
Dave Peterson
Ed Connor
Eric Grossman
Greg Hood
John Rybczyk
Jon Riedel
Larry Wasserman
Roger Fuller
Ron Tressler
Tarang Khangaonkar
Membership shall be modified as described in the Operating Principles.
Section 2.2
Member expectations for each membership category are described in the Operating Principles.
Section 2.3
New members shall be considered in part on how individuals meet the following criteria:
- Supports the SC2 mission and is willing to meet the requirements established in the Operating Principles;
- Is conducting, or interested in conducting, Skagit-based climate related research, represents a Skagit-based stakeholder or interest group; or brings nonprofit management or fundraising expertise.
Section 2.4
Membership may be lost through resignation, or through a determination by the remaining members or board. Full membership may be lost by a consensus of the remaining Full Members. Affiliate membership may be lost by a consensus of the remaining Full and Affiliate Members. In both cases, if consensus cannot be reached, then a simple majority in both the members (excluding directors) and the Board will prevail. Community Mentor membership may be lost by a majority vote of the Board.
Section 3.1
The board of directors shall consist of five to seven directors. The term for each director shall be three years. Director eligibility is described in the operating principles. Directors shall be eligible for re-election.
Section 3.2
Directors shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed by the corporation for out of pocket expenses.
Section 3.3
The board is responsible for the overall policy and direction of SC2. The board shall select a chair and a vice-chair to run meetings and undertake other responsibilities as assigned by the board. The board may also delegate day-to-day responsibilities to officers as set forth in Section 4 and committees as set forth in Section 5.
Section 3.4
A quorum of the board shall be at least three-fifths of the directors.
Section 3.5
A directorship may be lost through resignation, or through a determination by a consensus of the remaining members or a four-fifths vote of the entire board of directors that an individual’s directorship should be terminated. The remaining directors may thereafter fill any vacancy for the director’s remaining term.
Section 4.1
The officers of the corporation shall consist of a president, a vice president, and a secretary/ treasurer. The board may establish other offices as needed. Any two or more offices may be held by the same person, except the offices of president and secretary. Each officer shall have duties as assigned by the board or applicable law.
Section 4.2
Officers shall be chosen by the board for one-year terms. Officers shall be eligible for reelection. Notwithstanding, all officers serve at the pleasure of the board and may be removed or replaced at any time, with or without cause.
Section 5.1
The board may establish an executive committee to which it may delegate all powers and duties delegable by law, except for the power to amend the articles of incorporation or bylaws, or to take actions which, under the articles or bylaws, are to be taken only by a three-fifths vote of the entire board. The executive committee shall be authorized to act in the intervals between board meetings, and is subject to the direction and control of the board. The executive committee shall consist at a minimum of the Chair and shall meet at least quarterly.
Section 5.2
The board may establish a financial committee to develop and review fiscal procedures, fundraising, annual budgets and other financial issues. The financial committee shall work closely with the treasurer, the executive committee, and other officers and staff as necessary.
Section 5.3
The board may appoint other standing or ad hoc committees as needed.
Section 6.1
The annual meeting of SC2 shall be held each year at a site designated by the board. All membership categories may attend the annual Board meeting. At the annual meeting, Full Members shall elect directors per the Operating Principles. Board members shall report to the membership on the status of the organization and its finances and discuss the next year’s work plan.
In preparation for the annual meeting, the Board will prepare (a) financial, operational and other reports from the board of directors or any committees thereof; (b) discuss budgets, goals and a work plan for the coming year; © conduct a review to ensure SC2 is operating in a manner consistent with charitable purposes; (d) complete annual statements per the conflict of interest policy; and (e) perform any other lawful business.
Any member who requests information about the organization shall be provided it.
Section 6.2
Other meetings of SC2 may be called by the board, the executive committee, the president, or a majority of the Full Members. Members shall be provided at least 10 days notice of such meetings.
Section 6.3
A quorum shall consist of three-fifths of the Full Members.
Section 7.1
The members, officers and directors of SC2 are professionals. It is understood that such individuals may be employed elsewhere than at SC2 and may pursue funding and opportunities outside of as well as under of the auspices of SC2. Such individuals may pursue parallel research or project efforts, compete for funding, and conduct other activities as part of their work for other entities without being considered to have an improper conflict of interest or to be engaged in unlawful competition.
Section 7.2
Similarly, if funds are received by an individual or organization other than SC2 with which a member, director or officer is affiliated, any transaction or arrangement with respect to such funding made with SC2, or work to be performed by SC2, shall not be deemed improper as a conflict of interest or require recusal or non-participation by a member, director or officer, so long as all relevant facts are disclosed.
Section 7.3
The Board of Directors shall have an adopted conflict of interest policy.
Section 8.1
SC2 shall not discriminate because of race, creed, sex, age, national origin, marital status, mental or physical disability, or sexual orientation.
Section 9.1
These bylaws may be amended by a three-fifths vote of the entire board at any regular meeting or special meeting, but the notice of the meeting shall state any proposal to amend these bylaws.
Section 10.1
SC2 shall indemnify and hold harmless any person who is or was a director, officer, employee or agent of the organization with respect to any claims relating to such person’s service with SC2 (other than claims brought by SC2) so long as the individual acted in good faith. The board may also advance expenses necessary to defend an indemnified individual to the full extent permitted by law, or any lesser extent which the board may determine.
Section 10.2
SC2 may purchase and maintain insurance, at its expense, to protect itself and any of its current or former members, directors, officers, employees or agents.
Section 10.3
Notwithstanding the above, members, directors, officers and others engaged in activities relating to SC2 shall be responsible for assuring that they have separate insurance coverage, either personally or through their principal employer, covering automobile and other accidents. If such accidents are not covered by insurance obtained by SC2, then such accidents shall not be covered by the indemnity and hold harmless provisions of this Article 10.