Culvert-Design Tool
How to Use and Interpret the CIG Tool
Why Small Changes in the Size of a Culvert Quickly Change the Failure Rate
What is Stream Sim?
SC2 members conducted an analysis of projected changes in streamflow, due to climate change, which may cause a particular culvert to fail to provide fish passage over the course of its design lifetime. The 2018 analysis, conducted by the University of Washington Climate Impacts Group (CIG), was initiated as a complement to a similar analysis conducted in 2016 by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. The interactive tool, developed by the UW Climate Impacts Group, allows users to assess the probability that a particular culvert size will fail to meet regulatory standards over its design lifetime using available streamflow data.
The work completed by CIG resulted in both a report and tool:
The work completed by WDFW resulted in a report:
How to Use and Interpret the CIG Tool
Use the +/- buttons and the hand tool to select the area on the map that contains the culvert location you wish to explore. Click on the boxed area.


The number of models that project a failure, within the design lifetime, is also listed below the probability number. This is another measure of the likelihood of failure: if only one model shows that the proposed culvert will be undersized, users should put less confidence in the result than if all six show a failure within the design lifetime.
Some users may wish to know approximately when the proposed culvert will be undersized. As a result, the box includes one final piece of information: the average year (average among all six model projections) in which the proposed culvert size is first exceeded.

Why Small Changes in the Size of a Culvert Quickly Change the Failure Rate
Users may observe that small changes in the proposed culvert size can result in large changes in the likelihood of failure as seen in the images below. There are two primary reasons for this. The first is that culvert failure is a threshold response: either flows are within the capacity of the culvert, or they are not. As a result, small differences in culvert size will make a big difference in its likelihood of meeting regulatory standards. Second, we define failure as the likelihood that flows exceed the regulatory standard at any time within the design lifetime. This means that the likelihood of failure increases rapidly with the number of years that show a likelihood of exceedance. For example, even if there is only one out of six models that shows a culvert failing in any given year (i.e.,: a 1 in 6 chance of failure for that year), the overall probability of exceedance is 60% if there are just five such years within the design lifetime.
What is Stream Sim?
Stream sim (or stream simulation) is a simple equation that defines an ecological approach to determining the necessary culvert size to provide fish and aquatic organism passage. The equation is based on the bankfull width measurement. Stream width, including bankfull width, adjusts to match changes in streamflow. Since climate change is projected to lead to changes in streamflow, this means that bankfull width will change as well. This is why the stream sim design, based on today’s bankfull width, is often shown to fail with this tool: as flows change in the future, those flows may sometimes exceed a design that is based on the current bankfull width. Stream sim is currently a regulatory requirement for Washington Department of Transportation as a result of the US v. Washington “culvert case.” WDFW is currently using the stream sim approach in their climate change and culvert work as well.
The report and tool were completed through the Skagit Climate Science Consortium (SC2) with funding provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement PA-00J99101 to the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community. The contents of this website do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Environmental Protection Agency, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. Website development was supported with funding provided by the Skagit Climate Science Consortium and Seattle City Light.